I’m hopeful that we will soon get COVID-19 impact data by racial groups, particularly in Marion County. When I reviewed the @SAVIonline map re: neighborhood risk, the majority of the highest-risk neighborhoods are within @IPSSchools boundary & those residents are mostly (1/5) https://twitter.com/savionline/status/1242544059928977410
black or people of color. It’s the reason why racial equity has become a cornerstone of our district’s conversations. The systems of inequity reinforce one another & then, in times of crisis, we see this disproportionality amplified. It is showing up in the COVID-19 (2/5)
data being reported from Chicago, Milwaukee, Detroit, etc. So, on top of working to meet the academic needs of our students, we also have to consider how their neighborhoods and communities will (again) feel the deeper and more negative impact (3/5)
of this crisis w/ the very real potential loss of loved ones, familial financial instability along w/all the ripples of those realities. But, first, we need the data. As we turn to think about life on the other side of this crisis, I hope the desire to “go back to normal” (4/5)
doesn’t mean we once again call on communities of color to absorb the brunt of the impact without the necessary investment and resources to go BEYOND normal. Because I don’t want that normal back. (5/5)
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