“Gerrymandering” is code for “the GOP drew the maps.” What the hell do the whingeing liberal journos think would replace the maps except ones drawn to be favorable to Dems? There is no neutral fair way to do this. It’s just the normal partisan struggle on another stage
Do these people think there are, like, special magic lines for where districts should begin and end? The mind reels
Update: I had absolutely no idea that any living adult with a brain takes "gerrymandering" seriously. It is like complaining about "attack ads." Each party tries to win elections, and having done so draws maps in order to make it more likely that it will elections in the future.
I feel like I'm talking to extraterrestrials. "You see, by the end of the fourth quarter here, the other team hopes to have scored more points than the other. No, they would not voluntarily submit to a rule change that made it easier for the other team to score."
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