Can I tell all of y'all something real? Berners, I love you all— but you're irritating the fuck out of me nowadays. Everything that is being said assumes our candidate is still trying to win, and He's. Just. Not. He's not!
This is not about whoever in his campaign is asking him to drop out. This isn't about anything except for ads, outreach, *fight* and he got nada. Nothing. He's trying to push Biden left (unsuccessfully) and that's it. I don't even know why the liberals are going nuts tbh.
Though the fact that they're going nuts probably says more about their fears re: Biden than about Bernie. Still. I'm just so deeply annoyed by this "27 states are left" enthusiasm. I mean...YEAH! 27 states are left! 27 states Bernie seemingly doesn't wanna win!
Sure cognitive decline, rape, winning by default if Biden craps himself etc etc but I mean...come on. It's not gonna happen.

And I'm pissed. Why the fuck aren't you trying to win @BernieSanders? But also: why aren't we holding his feet to the fire?
FYI—I should say: HE STILL DOES HAVE TIME. Maybe I'm wrong! But this pandemic has bought him shit tons of *time* which is the greatest gift a dying campaign can get. If he doesn't take advantage of that (he won't) that's on him.
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