You know what will probably end my relationship? Is that in 2016 he said it didnā€™t matter, that govt institutions would keep trump in check. I was over reacting, I was too emotional. That up to last month he said Trump was just a figure of state.
As our son sits waiting for CAF orders. Our two university kids are at home online, out of residence. That our in-laws canā€™t leave their home out of fear. I hate being proven right.

But donā€™t fucking say, that I over reacted
So yeah. That was the huge fight in our house tonight. My husband wants to pretend itā€™s all nothing. My daughter defends him. Itā€™s not fucking nothing. I have to go to the grocery store tomorrow wearing a mask, gloves & not see our parents. Itā€™s NOT FUCKING NORMAL
When I sat crying hysterically in Nov 2016,& you said I was being irrational, too sensitive. That last year you said I was too obsessed with American politics. Too aware, too sensitive..too too too
Just admit, I was FUCKING right.
Iā€™m so angry. So fucking angry. This isnā€™t the path we should be on.
And he says, ā€œbut thereā€™s nothing you can do about itā€.

Iā€™m speechless. Iā€™m so angry. Iā€™m so enraged. Iā€™m so lost
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