Starting a thread of things I’ve watched and read in lockdown that I recommend to you all !
Trigonometry on BBC iPlayer - this show is amazing and the cinematography is to die for! It’s about three people who find love in each other, not a common story in mainstream media but a step forward and super interesting! Prepare yourself for a rollercoaster of emotions!
QUEER EYE (Netflix) !! Oh my god I’m so late to the party and I cannot get enough of this show! Although it was beautiful to begin with, season three CHANGED. THE. GAME.

It’s super fast paced! My emotions are all over the shop after one episode. An easy watch. 
CW: Rape and kidnapping

Duffy has always been a singer that I’ve admired from when I was growing up. I have often wondered what happened to her. She has posted an account of the awful experiences she has encountered over the past decade. 1/2
If you think you’ll struggle to take on someone’s story right now, please do not read it. It is a heavy read.

I’m glad that Duffy is healing and that she may find comfort in posting this. I hope she does feel free now. 2/2
Race Across the World (BBC iPlayer) !! I have such a love for this show. First season was absolutely amazing! I’ve started watching the second season now and it’s SO much fun! A great way to combine many cultures with an added sense of adventure. Another easy watch!
The Split (BBC iPlayer) !!! A MUST watch! Admittedly, I haven’t watched this in lockdown BUT I NEEDED to recommend! Both seasons are super gripping, I LOVE LOVE LOVE the first!

This show very nearly made me make a career change into divorce law !!
lowkey very aware that this thread is turning into BBC recommendations
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