There's an animosity in our country that I feel will never be healed. The Democrats have tried to undue an official election and have stomped all over our Constitutional rights to do so. They've corrupted all of our trusted institutions. They've viciously attacked /Next
those who voted for and stand by our U.S. President. They've destroyed our voting system we prided ourselves in. They've abused their power in the House like we've never seen before. They've wasted taxpayer $$ with one investigation after another, knowing they are the /Next
guilty party. They have acted treasonous toward America by betraying us for the sake of greed to other nations. They've gotten wealthy off our backs. They slaughter unborn babies without conscience. They engage in sexual perversion and use our tax $$ to pay off their /Next
accusers. They drool at the failing of our economy and loss of jobs in hopes that will ruin Trump's chances in November. They've sided with China over this virus with no genuine feelings for the 1,000's of Americans who have died with this virus. They've attacked our
President from every side and kicked him while he was down. They've used illegals in hopes of gaining power inspite of the billions it's costing us to support and provide for them. They've let their cities crumble in crime, homelessness, filth and drugs while they travel /Next
lavishly to their parties with their family around the world on our dime. They break the laws of our nation without consequence. They've looked into the eyes of the White, Black, Red and Yellow citizens of America and have lied to our faces with their false promises. /Next
They've murdered many who attempted to expose them and wouldn't hesitate to harm our President and his family if they could figure out who to blame afterwards. They've covered up more dirt than the Earth contains. They create their pet projects as a way of laundering tax /Next
dollars into their personal accounts. Don't kid yourself. They are a perverted people with a large following who either like perversion or blind to the perversion. This can not be allowed to continue. We are Americans. We are a free people with the power to votee /Next
them out. It is our voice that can end their wicked hold on our future. This is our time. Our moment! It could be our last chance to save our nation. /End
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