Gender equality is a lie that liberal feminists want to believe in. Men & women are not equal, never have been, and never be, and the answer why is simple: biology. God designed men & women for different biological purposes. Women were designed to birth & nurture children while
men were designed to provide for & protect the women and children. This biological difference creates natural inequality between the sexes, but this natural inequality is not inherently bad. What IS inherently bad is liberal feminists trying to turn men into women. We men are
supposed to think & act like women, and, when we don't, out masculinity gets called "toxic." This attitude is starting to change, and conservative feminists are leading the way by publicly stating that they like their men to be masculine, to be different from them. Liberal fems
are aghast because they see conservative feminists as traitors to their gender. The word "gender" is why more and more women are rejecting liberal feminism and becoming conservative feminists. Women who think for themselves see, both physically and mentally, that there is a BIG
difference between being a woman in gender and being a woman in sex. A man can swallow hormone pills and then wear a dress, some heels, and some make-up, but he will never, ever be a woman. A man could go through all of the above AND gender reassignment surgery, but he will
still be born a man and have the biological advantages that come along with being born a man. Liberal feminists refuse to acknowledge the biological differences between the sexes because then they can no longer claim that men and women are supposed to be equal. Men and women
ARE equal under the law, but that's where the equality should stop. Society swung from no women's rights to no men's rights, and conservative feminists see this because they also see that men and women are naturally biologically unequal -- and meant to be that way.
Liberal feminists everywhere are up in arms over this thread, so I ask these liberal feminists to HONESTLY answer this one question before bashing me: Why are prominent female athletes calling for a ban on transgender female participation in their sports???
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