There will, of course, be plenty of people who really aren't bothered whether Boris Johnson lives or dies. Some might even quietly celebrate the worst happening.

I'm not here to attack any of them. I do understand it, however much I'm desperate he gets better.
When Laura Pidcock said she couldn't be friends with a Tory, she was attacked... by all those who simply couldn't give a damn about the horrific numbers of people who've died because of Tory policies. Hundreds of thousands of them.
She was attacked by sheltered, privileged, arrogant ignoramuses whose attitudes are straight out of Dickensian Britain. Ignoramuses who, now some of them might be financially threatened, are desperately pleading for help.

They have power and a voice. So many in Britain have none
And for over a decade, so many in this so-called Christian country HAVE walked by on the other side. HAVE left the vulnerable to die. "I'm alright, Jack".

There's been nothing normal, moderate or mainstream about Conservative Party policies over the last decade. Nothing.
That's why the UN condemned it, twice. That's why Paul Johnson of that well-known Marxist think tank, the IFS (!), commented only a couple of weeks back that what the UK offers benefit claimants is "extraordinarily low".
Yet so, so many haven't even been able to put two and two together - and actually think through "if we give the unemployed, the disabled and the long term unwell nothing, how do they survive?"

The answer is through friends, family and foodbanks - while others have perished.
So yes, of course I understand why some will feel no sympathy for Johnson now. No-one gave a damn about any of them, after all. Instead, many have even found themselves demonised for the 'crime' of being poor, or disabled, or sick, or just Corbyn supporters. Monstrous.
Demonised by the same media which will now run around in a collective flap about the fate of someone who's known nothing but privilege for his entire life. And yet...

... Ultimately, I'm a humanist and a utilitarian. I want the best possible outcome for the biggest number.
And unlike Iain Duncan Smith or Esther McVey, both of whom should be behind bars (as should George Osborne, who cries crocodile tears now when HIS POLICIES destroyed the UK's safety net), I don't regard Johnson as evil or something. Corrupt, yes. A bit of a shit, yes. Evil? Nah.
He does have a very human side. He does have redeeming features. He is, in the end, a sunny side up optimist. It's that very insouciance which got him into this horrendous situation in the first place.
While nothing about Tory policy has been normal, he also follows in a certain tradition of British leaders. Which goes way, way back: to Canning, Peel, Palmertston, Disraeli, Gladstone, Lloyd George, Churchill, Macmillan and Blair. All of whom were essentially liberal at heart.
The reason why May's authority collapsed so fast wasn't just Brexit. It's that she was so completely illiberal. The British public will never support someone who is both miserably incompetent and appears to have a heart of stone. That was Theresa, I'm afraid.
Boris, on the other hand? Always cracking jokes. Gregarious. The kind of bloke many voters would like to go for a pint with. That sort of thing. As @neskatxa has said before, it's amazing what the people will put up with when a leader is humorous.
There will, I'm sure, be millions of Britons in shock at this news. Hoping and praying for the best. Many many people LIKE Boris Johnson. And yes, his personality covers a quite colossal multitude of sins... but during a crisis as awful as this, the country needs leadership.
Best wishes to him - and every bit as much, to his partner and her unborn baby. She must be going through horrors right now, so my thoughts are with her.

But they're also with everyone else suffering with this appalling disease. Their families and loved ones. Nurses and doctors.
It doesn't make me somehow oblivious to everything the Tories have done (which I wrote a book about only 4 months ago) when I naturally wish them well as I would anyone else. Being humane includes towards those who cause terrible harm. It's what makes us a civilised society.
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