Students are navigating multiple different platforms to get their education RN and if ever we needed a pressing reason to have a discussion about digital architecture & why it matters - this is it.
Canvas, Blackboard, Zoom, google hangouts, quizlets on the LMS, quizzes on google forms, VPNs to access library collections, google folders to access other readings, not to mention 46 other 3rd party apps that are either built-into the LMS or that they are being asked to join
And then there’s Proctor U - but don’t get me started on trust & pedagogy (that’s for another thread)... but srsly- the current edutech landscape is a morass. Couple that with v little digital literacy or training among students and faculty - it’s not pretty ...
& who will bear the cost of the inefficiencies of digital structures? Students - always students & contingent faculty, understaffed ID & IT offices. I reiterate - now is the time to rethink digital platforms so they prioritize students & learning, not data mining and metrics
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