This week is supposed to be a very dangerous week for COVID-19 so please go through some of these steps to stay safe!
So lets start off with OF COURSE STAY INSIDE.I know its not the best nor realistic for some because bills have to be payed.I get that.But if you are leisurely leaving the house to go hang out with friends its not only in considerate but dangerous for your health. So,fr,stop that
HOW ITS PASSED:Please understand that although COVID-19 isn’t technically “airborne” it still passes through the “air” (also known as droplet transmission, so sneezes and coughing) this is why social distancing is so important.
HOW ITS PASSED:(cont.) It can also pass through contaminated surfaces and be carried on your skin and HAIR ( yes and hair). This is why even the TEMPTATION to go out is so dangerous because you can potentially carry it to your love ones back home (yes your dogs and cats too)
HOW TO PROTECT: If you MUST leave the house (back to my essential folks) you can buy surgical masks online (amazon) which should be worn ALONG W GLOVES everytime you go outside. For more protection, purchase a N95 mask(they can protect you from airborne germs up to 95%)
EVERYDAY YOU NEED TO WIPE DOWN EVERYTHING YOU TOUCH. Im talking doorknobs,Counters,Makeup Brushes,Drawer Handles, pretty much if you put it in your HAND spray it down with lysol/bleach/or a castile soap mixure (i’ll include some good cleaning recipes later)
PROTECTING YOUR FAMILY: The Demographic of who can catch COVID-19 is EVERYONE but please understand our sick and elderly are at risk. If you happen to be some people who live w your grandma/pa (maybe your parents are a little old mine are) its best to STAY INSIDE.
COVID-19 is NOTABLY asymptomatic so you could have it before you realize it

You DONT NEED TO PANICK BUY(it hurts>helps)

The more santizer you use the weaker your body gets to fight of bacteria so yea it CAN fight 99% of germs but just wash your hands
Lysol to a degree(but you dont need me for that)
HIBICLENS antimicrobial skin cleanser
Castile Soap(Its 18in1 you can clean yourself& house)
Rubbing Alcohol+Aloe
Cinnamon Oil+TeaTree+Peppermint (air cleanser)
PAUSE:Ik this thread is long but if i was talking about a sex story or some beef yall would read through ALL these this.If you dont care ab yourself whatever, but I care about you & your family AND MINE. The more yall listen and stop being sefish the quicker i can go to brunch
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