Hey, TTRPG creators, larp creators, and other rpgs folks in the wild. Lean in. Lean in closer.

JUST BECAUSE YOU PUT A BLACK PERSON ON THE COVER DOESN'T MAKE IT WELCOMING TO BLACK PEOPLE. You need more than art to make people feel included. Like, I don't know, INCLUSIVE DESIGN.
Look, I know people are out here trying, but taking three photos of Black people from unsplash and slapping them in your game materials is not enough in our Lady Grace Jones' 2020.
Look at your themes, your structures, your team. What stories are you trying to tell? What are your mechanics? If you want to include folks, realize that you will need more than a signal, you will need a specific invitation to play.
Especially if you are form a population that is very underrepresented in play. Are you a DM? Do you make Black NPCs? Are you a larpwright? Don't allow racefacing at your larp. There's a million different ways to invite people to play. And the #1 is by consistently showing up.
This isn't to discourage you but to realize that you need to put some hard work in. Once you do though, it'll create a more vibrant, fantastic scene with a myriad of designers, players, and creators. So, stop signaling and start doing the work. It's not easy, but it is worth it.
You can follow @VioletRiotGames.
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