George Pell is a child abuser, a sexual predator and a life ruiner. Apart from the children he personally harmed, he oversaw the harm of countless others. If there’s a hell, he can rot in it. I don’t care what the High Court and his high profile pedo defending friends say.
I’m thinking of his victims, both alive and dead, who will be hurting beyond belief today. I hope he gets corona and dies. I said it.
Andrew Bolt, Miranda Divine and Tony Abbott can rest easy in the knowledge the pedophile they have championed for years is finally free to do it again.
This man, pictured here with presumably his child, in response to my outrage that Pell has been acquitted. It’s really telling the people rushing to defend him. I bet they invoke child protection against anything they don’t like. Except pedophiles it seems.
Really telling the number of people who are spinning this as a win against the Left.
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