Yesterday's @Roll4It #MonsterHearts #RiverValleyHigh (#'s!!) was revealing to say the least... as many plot threads ramp up for this Sunday's conclusion!
@BenthamPlays @EnterElysium @GamingFTL @MargaretKrohn @RandomTuesday

Here's a surprise gif thread! SPOILERS ABOUND!
"You talking to me?"
"I know, I did this" -Carlos post kill
"Shaken, not stirred"
"GM Lauren to her players" -when appropriate
"E. T. phone home" -Tiffany
"E. Tiff. on the phone with their kin"
"Who me, I'm the big bad?"
"Trust me, that's not the only problem you've got right now" -GM Lauren
"Totes a Human"
"Cecil explains why he helped curse Tiffany"
"Best Boy Carlos, calls Cecil out on his bullshit"
"Carlos listening to Cecil's excuses"
"Eating your feelings away" -Monsterhearts
"Disappointed" -Carlos, about Cecil
"The cure for disappointment" -Ben & Jerry's #NotSponsored
"Enjoying your players" -GM Lauren
"Don't worry about it" -Diet Coke #NotSponsored
"Innuendo Sense"
"I know things" -Adam
"You smell new" -Carlos
"Carlos x Adam ship sets sail"
"Carlos has gained a new best friend"
"Master Shipper Bentham"
"Daisy's dead-eyed girlfriends"
"Unexpected player choices"
Thanks for viewing this thread. It's not as comprehensive as some of my past threads, as I didn't plan to make gif threads of this show, as the subject matter isn't really a thing I thought I could enjoy. However, the more I watched, the more I enjoyed it. Fantastic RP and story.
You can follow @GrimLost.
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