I was laid off my part time job in March due to COVID19 economy changes (I worked at a non-profit that made its $ as a cafe).
I also lost my contracts with the locations I had booked as a public speaker this spring.
Now I feel fortunate because my spouse isn't at risk of layoff or salary loss, so we aren't at risk of being unable to pay the mortgage or feed ourselves.
But this is a significant financial change for our family.
We have bills and children's programs and other expenses that my salary, small as it was, covered.
So today I applied for the CERB and I have to say, having never had to apply for a social assistance before (again, a fortunate life I have led)
It felt weird. I considered not doing it because things "aren't as bad as other people" and I didn't want to take advantage.
But my kids love their music lessons that they can still take over virtual call, so I convinced myself it was the right thing to do.
It was easier than I thought. I'm really, really grateful for it, and the fact that it's just one less stress in a shit storm of a deployment/pandemic.

There was no point to this thread except I did a thing I didn't think I'd ever do, and the world kept turning.
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