Today I am exhausted and scared. Scared of what I’m being exposed to every time I go into work in person. Scared that they will cut positions entirely rather than let us work from home. Scared that my family would be better off financially if I just got COVID and died. 1/
I don’t want to still be scared. I want leaders to do the right thing. And I’m so beyond disappointed to see the true stripes of library land, a place I’d always thought existed to do the right thing for everyone. Those were the values that drew me to the profession. 2/
Yet here I am afraid to even speak up for fear of retaliation. Fear at every turn. The library was a safe space for me growing up. A refuge and a source of adventure. A sanctuary for exploration. But today it is the single greatest source of my fears. 3/
I just don’t know how to deal with that. Except to mourn.

#CancelCurbside #CloseTheLibraries

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