That the IHME models have changed so dramatically does not mean they are wrong. It means they are adjusting as data changes and people’s behavior changes. What’s remarkable is…
…seeing the President’s supporters saying the modeling is all wrong. That’s the modeling he’s using. So is the President wrong? Is he being misled? Or has he been so successful that his actions have caused the modeling to shift?
Pushing the idea that the modelers are deep staters out to wreck the economy to ruin Trump doesn’t really add up when the models are shifting towards real improvements and Trump is relying on the models.
If anything, it makes way more sense for the President’s supporters to stop suggesting the models are wrong and start making the case that his leadership is showing real improvements and the models are responding accordingly.
They can be helped by so many experts early on contradicting themselves and the President’s decisions, e.g. China travel, who are now embracing those decisions.
I suspect that is why there is so much push back against hydroxycloroquine on the left too. They’ll be hard pressed politically if it turns out the medicine actually does help.
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