The Obama administration’s handling of H1N1 was a model. Prompt response, quick development of a vaccine and then messaging for people to get vaccinated. But Rush Limbaugh and Fox News urged people not to get vaccinated, as did Donald Trump himself.
Here's a piece I did a while back about how Trump as a private citizen impaired the model Obama fight against H191 pandemic: Trump likewise did everything he could to mess up the Obama administration's belated but successful efforts against Ebola.
Trump lies when he says Obama bungled H1N1. In fact, Obama declared a public health emergency when there were only 30 cases and no deaths. Anti-virals were released the same day. Two days later, a test was approved by the FDA and Obama asked Congress for money to fight H1N1.
So first H1N1 infection in US was on April 15, 2009. Within 2 1/2 weeks, Obama had declared a public health emergency, approved medication, released a test, asked Congress for funding. A vaccine was ready in five months. Americans are dying because Trump did none of this.
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