This is their endgame. This, if unchallenged, legitimizes voter suppression "during this emergency" and keeps Republican boots firmly upon the necks.

No, I don't think anyone *created* the 'Rona. But I can see who's taking advantage of it to feather their own bloody nests.
Every oligarch, every selfish billionaire, every rich bigot, every hatemonger is thanking the heavens both for Republicans stealing Garland's seat (and stacking federal courts by hook or crook for YEARS) and for the mass fear right now. It's honey to them.
Eking out another few decades of violent, racist rule is more important to these people than fighting a virus that will kill hundreds of thousands.
Sooner or later, they knew a crisis would occur, as crises inevitably do. And they were prepared to profit. This has been the plan all along.

Now people will die, drowning on their own snot, so these bigots and billionaires can get a little more $$$.
You were warned. People like @sarahkendzior and @elonjames and @BreeNewsome and @prisonculture warned you over and over. You didn't want to listen. The racism was too strong, too profitable, too traditional.
Ever since "the Southern Strategy" this has been the goal. The Republican Party has marched in lockstep, and will take us all over the edge into the abyss.

The American worship of profit, sociopathy, and racism is bearing rancid, sputum-stained fruit.
And I'll make a fucking prediction, though I'm sure I'll be ignored too:

You ain't seen nothin' yet. The greed, the violence, the "extraordinary powers" have not even BEGUN to be tapped. It is going to get worse with breathtaking rapidity.
And I don't think there will be a revolution. I don't think there's room for hope. I think people are too frightened and tired, too bludgeoned by constant terror, to halt it.
We can't go out into the streets because of the real risk of bringing home death to our loved ones. We are held hostage by Fanta Fuhrer and his racist, criminal cabal.

And all for money. Your loved ones will die so billionaire or millionaire racists can get a few extra bucks.
I'm going to add something else to this thread, too.

All those years of Faux News and lying bigots harping on about "death panels" and "violent repression" and the like? It's called projection.

They told us what they were going to do at every step.
Historians will look at each other and say "how did white Americans not see it?"

White Americans saw, and didn't care, either because they were in on the scam or because the low-level racism was too endemic, too mildly inconvenient to fight.
At every step along the way, every fevered shock-jock bigot and every racist Republican Party wonk knew the score. They knew what THEY would do if they ever seized power, and openly accused their opponents of planning the same thing.
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