That show el howa bent esmaha Zat is so sad and the fact that it’s so realistic and describes the middle class so accurately not just back in that time but to this day and it gets so much sadder when you realize how many women —
Who are so close to us who could be our grandmothers, aunts or even our own mothers actually went through all of that and the fear that there’s a possibility of me as an Egyptian woman ( even if it’s a small possibility and how much I promise myself it’s never gonna happen)—
That I could actually end up this unhappy with a husband I settled down for because of the thought that he’s the only one who could love me and who doesn’t help me with our children and so one it genuinely terrifies and my love and sympathy and respect —
For all these women who actually lived all their lives like this simply serving and not getting anything in return thinking its their duties simply because of how they were born increases dramatically and I really hope they all get the happiness that they gave but never had back
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