The COVID-19 crisis has caused my mental health to crash and shatter, with my depression reaching one of its highest peaks ever. I've hardly left my bed in weeks, just about manage to eat a meal a day, and can't remember the last time I changed out of my pyjamas. -
- I can barely function on a day to day basis, let alone find the motivation or willpower to do college work.
On top of that, I have (unmedicated) ADHD, and maintaining a routine as well as having face-to-face classes is imperative in my management of it -
- neither of which is possible anymore. It takes me 4-5 hours to watch a single 40-minute lecture, an entire day or more to write two paragraphs, and that's assuming I can muster sufficient executive function to even attempt to do either of those things. -
- I know the disability service exists. I know I can apply for extensions. But unless you move my deadlines to after the pandemic ends, I will not be able to do college work without destroying the scraps of mental health that I have left that are still -
- relatively intact. Trying to do college work while midst mental breakdown comes at a trade-off; I either read a few pages of a paper or I shower; I either attempt to watch an online lecture or I eat a meal. -
- I have very limited executive function and effort to expend, and sure, I can choose to expend that on college work, but that will inevitably come at a cost to my mental health.
This is not a trade-off I, or any other student should have to make.
- Universities should be understanding enough to appreciate that students simply cannot function normally and do college work normally when literally nothing about this entire situation is normal.
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