It didn’t take me long to think about the privacy consequences of Gov. Baker’s massive new tracing initiative. Even if they *do* follow VERY smart advice (e.g. below) I still jokingly said to a friend, “This is gonna be HIPAA apocalypse.” #mapoli
So the orgs involved (Accenture and Salesforce) can handle basic privacy stuff, and their servers will all be HIPAA-compliant. But this is a special kind of system. There probably aren’t privacy blueprints for this. Nevermind the speed and who the foot soldiers are. In this. 2/x
Make no mistake. I support this initiative 100%. If I can somehow help, I will. We must have this succeed. Even with crazy implications. But I chose the image for this thread precisely. I’m pretty sure I want all this data deleted after it’s over. 3/3
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