Honestly the worst part about th 2016 election was that glee wasn’t on the air to do an episode about it
The New Directions would’ve been invited to sing at a fundraiser for the Ohio Republican Party, but certain members of the glee club would refuse to participate because it didn’t align with their values. Mr Schue would then do a lesson on songs with political messages.
Puck would sing “Born in the USA” as a display of patriotism, but Rachel and Kurt would then inform him after his performance of the songs anti-war sentiments.
Brittany would reveal that she can’t vote because she is not a US citizen
At least one song from the Hamilton soundtrack would be performed in the episode. Probably by Artie.
The episode would end with all the girls on stage singing “fight song”. The last shot of the episode would be a close up on Rachel’s face as she sings “cause I’ve still got a lot of fight left in me” while shedding a single tear.
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