let's eliminate some choices...
2-Helmet Sundaes are great but they exist everywhere.
6 pizza or 8 tomato pie is great but not a truly philly thing, i get if cheese makes your tummy hurt you gotta go t.p.
7-scrapple is whatever
IMMEDIATE CANCELLATIONS for anyone who chooses 4 https://twitter.com/NBCSPhilly/status/1247257080718909451
that leaves you with the locks
1. Cheesesteak
5. soft pretzel
and the final battle is between 3. butterscotch krimpet and 9. wooder ice. I'm gonna go krimpet because I always get friggin brain freezes from wooder ice and love a good Rita's cone so tastykake, sponsor me?
final thought that cheesesteak looks gross we need to make better photo choices on our graphics guys
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