Remarkable that many of the leads on the #coronavirus task force and newspaper editorials - including Gates, Bavari, Deszak, and Fauci - predicted a deadly coronavirus pandemic in October of 2019

I am sorry, I shouldn't say this - It upsets the #ChinaLiedPeopleDied narrative
Did #Q tell you any of this?

No - Q is brought to you by the same germ lovers that profit from geopolitical conflict

Instead, Q is talking about caves with millions of children who have been missing
Not only did Gates + friends predict the #coronavirus #pandemic ...

1) They predicted it would be related to SARS
2) They predicted HIV medicine would help
3) They predicted the contagion period
4) They predicted it would come from bats in China
[3] Oh for flips sake - The US was represented at #Event201 by the ex-deputy-directory of the Central Intelligence Agency
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