Have you see this story about a saint named CORONA, the alleged guardian #saint against #epidemic from @atlasobscura? Well, let me offer you a couple more interesting epidemic-related saints (a very incomplete list) for our #COVID19 times:
1/ https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/saint-corona-epidemics
During Diocletian's persecution of Christians in ancient Rome, people tried to kill st Sebastian by shooting at him, but he miraculously survived.

And as epidemics are though to be "arrows of God's wrath", no surprise that st Sebastian was though to be a patron of epidemics!
Keeping with the arrow metaphor, there's st Mary. As "Our Lady of Graces" from Faenza, she is depicted breaking arrows of God's wrath with her hands.

If you have a painting or sculpture like this in your church, it most likely comes from time of some past epidemic
St Roch, a medieval pilgrim, helped people suffering from plague, until he contracted it himself, and was expelled from town to die alone in the forest. As he laid sick, a dog miraculously brought him food and kept company, until he was healed by God.
Traditional iconography shows st Roch in pilgrim's clothes, with dog, exposing infected sore / bubo on his leg. More recently, I saw people think of st Roch mainly as a patron of dogs, so the disease disappeared from his images. I suspect that this will change after #COVID19
St Rosalia was a 12 ct hermit living near Palermo, having nothing to do with diseases. But she showed up in visions of Palermo citizens during one 17th ct plague outbreak, and apparently saved the city, so she became venerated as yet another epidemic saint.
There are many other local saint protectors from epidemic, gaining this reputation after prayer to them saved the local community. But in st Rosalia's case, her fame became global: here's a 17th ct chapel to St Rosalia in Poland, erected to commemorate end of famine & plague
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