•|•✨reasons to stay alive/continue fighting 💞✨ (threads)•|•
1. listening to Tyler's new song
2. interacting with others about the new song
3. 3am dance parties
4. long phone calls with friends
5. drinking your favorite drink!
6. trying new foods
7. watching new episodes of your favorite show
8. meeting new people
9. the excitement you get when someone says they like the same music as you
10. possibly getting a Gf/Bf/or partner
11. traveling to new places
12. trying things you thought you could never do
13. The fear you get before trying something new, but enjoying the outcome
~will be adding more later! feel free to add some of your own reasons!!!!~💞💞
14. Tyler and Josh want you, they need you here. They love you
15. seeing the sun rise and sun set
16. the smell in the air during spring
17. going downtown with friends
18. binge watching TV
19. the smell of your favorite food
20. walking across the stage to get your diploma
21. graduation
22. birthday parties
23. going to parties with friends
24. hugging friends
25. screaming lyrics to your favorite songs
26. blasting music during car rides
27. concerts
28. getting a job
29. finding clothes that look amazing
30. new shoes
31. the smell of opening a book
33. trying a instrument
34. picking up old skills/new ones
35. petting random dogs you see
36. helping the old lady/man walk across the street
37. family vacations
38. proving someone wrong
39. having fun
40. amusement park trips
41. the moments that get your heart racing
42. making someone happy
43. your first drink
44. your first kiss
45. your first bf/gf/partner
46. first animal/pet
47. new attractions
48. visiting a new restaurant
49. snow days
50. weekends
~you made it this far! the list will go on. You are here for a reason and you are meant to be here! you are perfect the way you are, do not ever change yourself for someone!
drop that toxic friend you may have
breakup with your toxic bf/gf/partner
get away from anyone causing you harm!!!
I promise you, everything will get better! it takes time...bruises don't fade away instantly...it takes time to heal
allow yourself to heal! don't be afraid of what you are going through. you are in control of yourself and you make the decisions!! please if things are getting out of hand, reach out to a professional
don't be scared to ask for help! it's not easy but once you do it...you are one step closer to getting better!! my Dms are always open and I will talk to you! if you need anyone, I'll be right here! no judgement, I will give my full attention
I will do whatever I can to help you!! please don't give up! (the list will be continued shortly)
51. the smell of burning wood
52. watching for shooting stars
53. the feeling of warm sand on your feet
54. signing in the shower
55. learning a new language
56. making paper airplanes
57. unexpected messages from friends/family
58. drinking something cold on a hot day
59. late night target runs
60. bike rides
61. the feeling of rain on your skin
62. swimming
63. going to waterparks
64. finding that perfect dress/suit
65. acting silly
66. deep conversations with friends at 3am
67. camping
68. that feeling you get when you do something you weren't supposed to be doing
69. making random jokes
70. making jokes only you and someone else understand
71. Handshakes
72. learning a new dance
73. staying up for a album release
74. finally sneezing after 2+ tries
75. compliments from strangers
76. finding things from your childhood
77. getting that perfect haircut
78. passing that test you thought you would fail
79. getting a answer correct while watching game shows
80. getting the USB in correctly first try
81. arcade games
82. video games
83. video games with friends
84. music festival (s)
85. seeing the rainbow after the storm
86. having the strength to say no when you need to
87. having the strength to say yes
88. waking up at 2am thinking it's time to get up, but it's not so you go back to sleep
89. remembering the lyrics to your favorite song
90. texting your crush
91. looking at memories
92. finally getting that food you have been craving
93. buying something you always wanted
94. getting your driver's license
95. (if in the LGBTQ community) finally coming out to family, etc.
96. quiting that job that has been holding you back
97. finding $ in pants
98. hearing laughter from children
99. donating something
100. being able to smile again
100 reasons why you need to stay alive! your crazy if you think that's all...I can give so many reasons, and I will! I hope you find this thread and realize everything you can do
there are soooo many things to do in life and I bet you haven't done all them. The world is for you to explore...I know you are strong enough to fight through this! this thread will be continued shortly but for now stay alive💞 I love all of you!
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