In the interest of not vaguetweeting and deletIng: after five days of not terrible but persistent GI issues and mild achiness and tiredness (no fever) I’m largely self-isolating in a bedroom of the house and I’m wearing a mask in common areas.
I hope this is an overreaction but these symptoms are uncharacteristic for me (I’m norovirus-resistant) and my sister, an ER nurse, says the virus can’t be ruled out. And my partner has asthma, so precautions seem wise. I started isolating yesterday.
If you’re wondering: I’ve gone nowhere but dog walks (while wearing a mask) for four weeks. I’ve disinfected deliveries and knobs etc. Haven’t seen anyone other than Max and our dog and cats up close since 3/11. Backyard forays have been fairly brief, almost always with mask.
It feels weird to put all this out there but also weird not to. Be well, friends.
Forgot to mention: the friend I saw on March 11 ended up developing something that was/is probably COVID-19, but this started last Wednesday, well outside the 14 day period.
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