Questions for @NYGovCuomo - [1] How many beds in NY State are currently being occupied by COVID-19 patients? [2] How many patients in NY State are dying outside the hospital or are DOA? [3] How do you calculate hospitalization rate? [4] & discharge rate? (Thread for context) /1
Questions [2]->[4] relate to [1] in the following way. Take hospitalization rate (Cumulative Admissions/Cumulative Positive): in a recent briefing, you mentioned that current rate was 14%. This aligns with the data shaded blue. The last 12 days it has held well at 14%. /2
In two recent briefings, you talked about the discharge rate (cumulative adm/cumulative disch) (shaded yellow) increasing to 66% (4/3) and the next day to 74% (4/4). Today it increased to 80% (thankfully)! /3
When calculating for current beds occupied due to COVID-19, I mistakenly calculated it as CurrentBedsReqd=CumltvAdm-CumltvDisch-CumltvDeaths. But I didn't think about the deaths occurring outside the hospital. This is truly heartbreaking. /4
So, I need a rough percentage, or count, of deaths outside hospital that never required a bed. I've plugged in 40% as a placeholder. But it still only shows 539 beds required. /5
Even if I add in the total number of documented positive cases before your daily counts started (3/15), and assume they were *all* hospitalized, that only adds 732 confirmed cases (as of 3/14). Are there more than 1271 (539+732) patients in NY State hospital beds as of 4/6? /6
This morning, you showed a chart that indicated you are now using between 15,000 and 20,000 beds for COVID-19. What am I missing? /7 END
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