Isolation Diary 1

So it looks like the topics have changed since the current state of the world, and our school project has changed. The effect of being isolated in your home for an extensive amount of time with absolutely nothing ahead of time to look forward to or planned
has changed my daily routine. This is my first semester at this college after transferring from community college. The process of getting accepted and rejected from the particular school I go to now was absolutely nerve-racking and it felt like I couldn't breathe half the time.
Thankfully it finally all got resolved and I was able to start my semester in January. Then, March comes along, and everything goes quiet. The world just feels so empty and deserted. Everyone growing up in New York remembers 9/11 and Hurricane Sandy. I was one of the people
who's house got damaged during the storm, but my family got very lucky with the insurance company and we were able to repair our entire first floor and get a second car. We lost a couple of items in our garage and such, but we were able to make it through.
I'll never forget when after the storm hit, trying to get gas at a gas station was like waiting in line for ticket sales. Lines of cars just to pump gas would stretch far out into the streets. I remember a news broadcast was at my old elementary school
And there was a big crowd of angry and worried people about what's going to happen in our community. I was about 14 years old, and I'll never forget the feeling of walking home by myself, in the cold autumn weather, thinking "what the hell is happening?"
That feeling has now come back. Whenever I walk just two blocks to get some snacks or drinks from 7-Eleven, I feel guilt. I feel selfish because anytime I see people online yell at others just for walking outside and that they need to stay in their homes.
I'm trying my best to stay in as much as possible, but there are times where I just need to walk and feel the fresh air hit my face. To breathe. As much as I enjoy staying in my bed, catching up on tv shows and movies I've been meaning to get to, I miss going to work
Earning money and saving it. I miss my friends. I miss my night drives from school back home, blasting my Spotify playlists. I miss going to class. Someone like me who isn't the best at social interaction, I miss talking to classmates and being able to walk on campus
and talk to my favorite co-workers.

And this is just the beginning of what I feel during this quarantine period.
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