Watching today's AJPW show.
They have mastered the no crowd show.

-Tight camera shots
-Random wrestlers & staff in the crowd for atmosphere
-Short matches where they beat the living shit out of each other

And I mean SHORT. 30 minutes into the show, 5 of the 7 matches are over
If your favorite promotion isnt running right now, this is actually a great intro to AJPW, not only with the short matches, but everyone is getting their personalities over too.
Hyped for the Shuji Ishikawa cinematic match where he kills Takao Omori
Even with no fans Kento owns the crowd
OK so I made this thread before I watched the main event, which was the length of like four Orton/Edge matches, or at least felt like it. It was good I guess, but clear your schedule.
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