Bernie people hate me because they can’t explain why a working class, Great Migration Black urbanite woman with revolutionary politics is the enemy
Everything in Bernieland is a rationalization of why they’re right and all of their opponents are wrong, and they seize on tiny details of people’s lives to “prove” that it’s ok to attack and harass them in the name of revolution and praxis.
For all of these privileged Bernie dipshits who think that ironic racism passes for incisive thought and that twitter fights constitute campaigning, attacking others for insufficient purity is just a way of cleansing their own dirty consciences of the filth of their hypocrisy.
Y’all can’t imagine enacting real change; Bernie Sanders is your one and only shortcut. Because then you’d have to fight for survival. Then you’d have to be something other than glib. Then you’d know what it meant to watch something worth dying for unceremoniously fail.
And those of us who have put in the work and learned the lessons of real revolutions can’t be assailed as the enemy. We expose how hollow y’all really are. Without us, the vanguard of Bernie’s revolution are little more than the self-loathing privileged playing at solidarity.
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