ey @mhdksafa ...u got a dm and a decision to make bout how u wanna look to all of twitter... which is literally the whole world since everyone is stuck at home with nothing to do but try not to die while we read social media... balls in ur court.
retweet mollys is a great place its where the tweet originally came from...also maybe follow her... always sucks to see someone with such a great mind have so little followers https://twitter.com/MollyJongFast/status/1246459917017534472?s=20
been on a stay at home order social deprivation fueled/alcohol and other intoxicant fueled/lack of sleep fueled investigation into this whole situation since 2:29 pm yesterday. 29 hours. i know the first 48 hours are the most important to any investigation so im gonna keep going
lol he got u @HoarseWisperer
he got a lot of people....
lol this whole being stuck at home got me out here feeling like sherlock john holmes
turns out his account is run by...someone named sara....in a media office??? and they are really mad that molly called them out for stealing her tweet
she made it to work....or was i talking to mohamad now??? i couldnt be sure [dramatic music]
the code becomes a very confusing issue...i cant trust anyone at this point...im in too deep
i have to wait for her to use the code before i can respond....its too dangerous in these streets....turns out shes hot and im easily distracted so i accidentally reply to her on mo's account😭😭😭
twitter is glitching so i have no choice but to talk to her on mo's account. shes irresistible. 😍😍😍 who coulda known this would all cause her work drama???
i mean yes...im getting sloppy and messing up her work environment and might get her in trouble...but somethings are more important than that.
so i talked to the love of my life 😍😍 on her account cause chivalry and respect af. we bond over the struggles of her job at the un...its too early in the relationship to tell her that im a big dicked hooker that cant work cause of stay at home orders so i skip the details.
im worried..is she in danger? she has a high profile job. or maybe shes just out doing yoga..she prolly yogas a lot...i bet shes super flexible...shes prolly at yoga...i should check with her work just in case tho. better safe than sorry. right? im nervous...really hope shes okay
its been hours and hours and nothing from her. she wouldnt ghost me right? i mean have u seen my pinned tweet? no one would ghost me. her work didnt reply either....something is definitely wrong.
then all of sudden a notification from her and my heart jumps out of my chest 😍😍😍....but...something feels off....why is she mad? attack people? make fun of people? me??? wtf is she talking bout??? this doesnt seem like her...something is wrong....what if its not her....
only one way to know for sure that its her and that shes okay....talk to the other account she has access to, obviously
something is definitely wrong. definitely....i just want to know shes ok....and not just cause shes super hot but seriously tho look at her 🀀🀀
thank god....shes safe. 😌 looks like mo the thief is just jealous of me. and not just because my code is 11.75inches but because i write my own tweets. he made her block me. she had to do whats best for her and i trust that she knows that better than me. im πŸ’” but not mad at her
if u can see this....i want to thank u for giving me the hope of love in these difficult times...u have the face of a sexy angel. i hope u dont forget me. i wont forget u. we can see each other in our dreams and make the memories we were meant to have. remember when u finally fou
nd the perfect house for us? how excited u were to show it to me because we had spent months and months looking and u finally found something good? u were so happy. it was the perfect house. we loved it there.
remember decorating? after each thing we bought i kept asking if u maybe wanted to get something green, or red, or blue, or aqua, or teal, or anything? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. u just kept saying that ever since u got the big black couch u werent going back to the other colors. it turned out nice
remember i was worried u were hurt or kidnapped cause u werent responding to me on twitter but it turned out u were out doing yoga and ur boss used ur computer to block me and lock u out of ur account cause he was jealous? omg u kept dragging me to yoga. so much yoga. u loved it.
our first date at the fair. that was so great. u looked amazing. my heart was rushing the whole time.
the look on ur face the first time i showed u the code word was priceless πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
it all started from the first time i saw u. everything else just melted away and all i could see was u.
and from that day on, no matter where we went, no matter who else was there, all i needed was u. we coulda been anywhere at all, it was just background and didnt matter to me. in my eyes, it all just disappeared and all i could see was u. every single minute of it was perfect.
maybe at ur fams thanksgiving, when u and ur cousin dressed up like hansel & gretel, and u asked me to put on a big bad wolf costume and fuck both of u was weird...mostly cause ur dad was craaazy screaming at ur mom and aunt for chanting "big black wolf" while he was tryna film
lol jk. i didnt even actually know they were doing that until u told me about it way after. honestly, i didnt even realize they were watching and filming. u were my everything and only thing. β™₯️β™₯️β™₯️

what i saw on ur dads facebook vs. what everyone else saw on ur dads facebook
i challenge @sethabramson to do a thread better than this
i feel like if my psych saw just this pic she would have me committed on the spot
for a second i was happy that i got dude to tweet his first totally brand new original tweet, even if it was about his fake media manager's fake kid dying....it felt like progress...and then
i feel like this spiraled way out of control quickly and now it seems like maybe were just taking for granted that this guy is a permanent representative to the un.
the more i think about this, the angrier i get. i dont really care if people copy my stuff so i never really worried about tweet stealing, but hes stealing tweets from a lot of people and some of them use their twitter to make money so he is stealing from them. fuck this guy.
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