THREAD: how the rise of skywalker undoes the storytelling of the last jedi, since their imovie editors are getting brave
ONE: where the FUCK was rose? a main character in the last jedi, and a love interest for finn, rose is not allowed to join the heroes’ adventure in tros. these are the only images of rose in tros i could find on google and one of them is a scene that was cut from the movie lol
TWO: rey’s parentage. after tlj gave the answer to the mystery box question of who rey’s parents are, jj and chris tried some mental acrobatics trying to explain why kylo saw what he saw in tlj. (psst. because they did takesies backsies and didn’t worry about the logic.)
THREE: snoke. this one isn’t just weird given tlj, but even tfa. why did snoke EVER exist? the entire palpatine storyline is senseless and devoid of purpose, so they attempt to distract you with pickled snoke.
FOUR: finn. he spends the entirety of the last jedi learning to care not solely about rey and develop his own ideology for the first time in his life. in tros he.... screams rey over and over?
now this thread is just about tros backtracking tlj, but it shits on more than that. poe’s established backstory, his parents, leia as a character (literally everything with leia is so anti-who she was). i’m sure i’m missing some stuff so feel free to add but my point IS:
tlj didn’t go back on tfa’s storytelling. it answered the questions it set up, and YOU didn’t like the answer. that’s valid, but it’s not the same thing as making an apology for a film which is what tros did. try consulting a story group on the next film and then you can jump on-
a podcast xxx
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