I know most pepole won't read this since I am not a "known person" within the destiny 2 community I like many others is just a fellow guardian thst you might have stumbled upon in the crucible, a strike, gambit match or my old times in LFG raids
I love Destiny 2 to bits, it has been a game that I alvace had something to do, even if I where the only one at my entire school of 500 students. I always felt like an outcast due to it but it never bothered me
I might not be the D1 veteran or the "awful" times in y1 D2. I came into the game as a kinderguardian back when the game had a free week. Back then the whole game felt great, it did not bother me thwt I messed out on so much fun with forsaiken, warmind, or cure of Osiris
I enjoyed my time. Go forward to current time 1 year and 6 months circa and I have now done what I would like to say everything. Goten different titles or God rolls of weapons thst I could only dream about.
Time was good, the game was good until I got into an argument
An argument with a fellow guardian who had lost hope, he had goten to the same pit where I was, God rolls, titles even emblems and he was amazed how I still enjoyed the game, the truth was I really didn't. How the shadowkeep experience and following seasons did was taxiing
How the waiting time for new gameplay, new loot, exotic quests just was not cutting it for me. I had hope for the new season. Season of the worthy but it was not how I had hoped it to be. I know we are only a couple of weeks into the new season and I don't know if I wanna play
The game that I love, or loved could not feed my addiction for me nor could any other game still I return to the same game everyday for hours on end just to see my plane in orbit and just slam my head against the desk until I can do something
No matter how many hours of killing tharls, doing raids or pulling of mintage gameplay in the crucible filled the hole in my heart where destiny 2 lied. I don't know if this game can continue for much more. Is there any reason for me to comeback when I only have a couple of weeks
To grind out weapons, armors getting my season pass to a 100 and a new mod system every season
I just need a good reason for why I should not just delete the game and move. I don't know where to move on to but thst I will find hopefully soon
@Bungie what are the reasons for me to play this game anymore

Should not have @ at the last part of this thread but screw it can't change it now
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