What gets me about respectability politics is how the *entire* political and journalistic establishment will be tweeting concern for B**** getting sick but for ongoing gov engineered crises (e.g. Windrush, Universal Credit victims, underfunded healthcare victims) it's *crickets*
Not only does this moment show us which lives matter.

It also shows us that the *very* people who create racist, classist and oppressive political systems get more sympathy than those who are the victims of the violent systems they've created. I'm tired.
Saving my sympathy for the people on the sharp end of his structural harm. Many of whom - black, working class, disabled - his politics has harmed, will continue to harm, and many of whom will be disproportionately affected by covid-19.
Anyway cha let me mute this thread before I get union j*ck Twitter in my mentions.
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