All the best to Boris Johnson today. I hope he makes a quick recovery.
But... the TV coverage is (almost) unwatchable. 1/4
All and sundry (even IDS) are seeking to speculate about his condition. Surely he deserves some privacy. Chris Whitty was spot on with his answer in the briefing; this is for him and his medical team. 2/4
The constant repetition of the fact that the virus is no respecter of reputations... I’d like to think that’s a given. 3/4
And the insistence that he’s a man who wants to ‘have his hands on the tiller’, with an unquenchable work ethic. Really? I follow all this quite closely, and rather thought that the opposite was true. 4/4
PS The final thing is the new idea that there will be a policy vacuum. Up until today, the message was that the policy was simply ‘to follow the science’. Is there now acceptance that... it’s not as simple as that?
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