deep thoughts that will hurt your brain: a thread
walking is just continuously screwing up your balance until you fall on your other leg.
you know the insects that only live for a few days? do they think night and day are seasons?
we named every moon in the solar system except for our own.
when you say “apart”, your lips touch. but when you say “together”, your lips don’t
you can’t breathe and swallow at the same time
your bones are wet.
something is always touching you.
online dating is responsible for millions of marriages, so does this mean computer algorithms are learning how to breed people?
microscopic eight-legged spider-like mites live on your face.
snakes are just tails with faces.
we built an atomic bomb 20 years before we had colored television.
sharks are older than trees.
everything you see, is delayed.
we can’t prove we aren’t in a simulation.
france was still using the guillotine when the first star wars came out.
the oxford university is older than the aztecs.
scientists have found no area of the brain responsible for consciousness. there is no evidence of consciousness. it just is.
you don’t remember when you were born, or the first few years of your life. all you remember is one day you just started existing.
summer vacation when your 15 is probably the most you’ll ever be relaxed until you retire.
do you think the milk in a gallon of milk is from hundreds of different cows?
otters have skin pockets for their favourite rocks.
every restaurant is a drive-thru if you go fast enough.
there are 5 senses, but is that every sense that exists? are there more that we could have, but don’t?
the voice inside your head has changed over time with you.
there are only 2 days in your life that aren’t 24 hours long. the day you were born and the day you die.
up for debate
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