About to make some religious tweets so like feel free to mute this thread or whatever
Passover for me has always felt like the most important holiday, tho it's technically like... 3rd? And passover has also always made me sad bc it's so deeply about community and I dont have a jewish community
Unlike Rosh Hashanna or Yom Kippur Passover is much more about the individual family and it's hard especially right now because my family is being really werid lately about my faith
I also cant participate in a lot of the traditional elements of passover bc like I can't fast (which is allowed!!!! but i still feel bad) and I dont have the resources to make a seder plate or refrain from grains
I also dont drink so like I have to use grape juice instead of wine and I KNOW logically that g-d doesnt care but in a religion that relies so heavily on tradition it's just hard to constantly be breaking that tradition
I dont have a nice bookend to this thread, I guess I just wanted to voice some of my frustrations.
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