*trigger warning: mental illness, mention of suicidal tendencies*

sorry y’all, but i need to say something:
i got suicidal tendencies and depression, and i’m locked the fuck up at home. i get it. i do, & i’m really really sorry but that’s not an excuse to break your self isolation for physical interaction with someone you do not live with.
tell me your depression would be able to handle the guilt of getting someone (let alone an immunocompromised STANGER) sick because you picked it up and didn’t know.
i know how hard it is to have your head and your functionality poisoned by mental illness, but you HAVE to try to find another way to cope.
start easy- get a morning routine: make a tea & sit on your front steps and enjoy the sun.
try getting back into reading.
get colour-by-number apps on your phone (i could recommend a great pixel art one!!)
the possibilities are endless, big or small.
& if you really cannot handle not being around that person (trust me, i understand how that can be to), go on 3-day long FaceTime calls, become pen pals & start writing old-school love letters.
this isn’t going to end if you don’t cooperate.
thanks for coming to my ted talk.
coming back to this thread now there are more things to say but honestly i was so upset and typing so fast, all i want is an edit button to go fix all my typos 🤪🥴🥴
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