I think one of the reasons I can’t watch Civil War again, is that I don’t understand what it’s trying to tell me.
Civil War is all about the argument. It’s about the validity on both sides. How no one’s always right. So, that when you fight so hard to prove you’re right when you might be wrong, it’s dangerous. Right?
But since it’s a Captain America movie, we’re supposed to believe in him.
The final fight of the movie even paints Tony as the bully from The First Avenger. It’s Steve, Bucky, and the Bully. Cap even says, “he can do this all day.”

So that means both sides aren’t equal in the argument. Right?
The Sokovia Accords then basically disappear. Sure, Cap and his team go into hiding, but Spider-Man is free to endanger civilians in Homecoming with absolutely no backlash from the government.... Why?
Next time we’re reminded about Civil War is when they just wipe away the rules that weren’t even in play to begin with. So, the Civil War didn’t really mean anything.

Cap was right, I guess.
Infinity War said it didn’t matter to us and Endgame made it so it didn’t matter in Universe. I’m sure the Accords were written out of law after Thanos. So, why did it even happen?
Tony and Steve were barely friends before Civil War and then they were kinda enemies and then kinda friends again after five years. I just don’t feel any of it and it just doesn’t work for me, personally.
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