When the world shut down, when everyone was frightened, when lives hung in the balance, how did you spend your time? I personally hooked up with a bunch of those good looking Proud Boys. Damn, those boys are good looking. I used to be against them until I screwed one.
Let me explain why I left the #AntiFash. All they do is whine and complain about the injustices of the world. They have no fun, tell no jokes, are not creative, and do nothing but moral high ground. Stay mad, bitches. I left for the other side, they're way more fun and handsome!
I mean I tried to hook up with some of my own antifash crew like Christian Exoo. He couldn't even get aroused enough to perform. I guess he's not into grown women like me, only 16 year old girls. So yeah, I went to the other side looking for love, kind of like my friend Arkn did
It didn't work out for Arkn. She wanted was interested in a guy on the other side. Not, #altskull like everyone keeps saying, it was another guy. I told him I wouldn't release his name because he's a good boy. It's been working out for me in this new direction I'm taking.
The sex is good, we laugh together, we have fun, and we're not afraid to be ourselves. When I look at my former #antifash side I realized they dont know how to have a good time and most of them are so confused sexually they don't even know which way they want to swing.
So there you have it. This RocksAnne Harvey is now a proud girl. Does that mean I'm racist? No, it means I am proud of my family, proud of my heritage, and proud of my country.
You can follow @RocksAnneHarvey.
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