Every campaign is tough & sides are taken, loyalties questioned, & there’s infighting, debates, arguments as a party tries to reach a conclusive decision. This one though, for Dems, is next level due to the feckless leader trying to kill us, tanking economy, & the struggle of
Inclusivity- gender & race. And those being part of a sour point since Obama beat Hillary. We’re on edge as a party that is broad & which can fracture when it needs strength. Layer on a pandemic, closed polling, limited polling, suppression, layoffs, and sickness all around
And we’re looking at the last leg of this journey being the most difficult we’ve had outside of an election during the war for Black freedom (civil war to some). When the candidate is officially chosen & he chooses his running mate, many will be happy & an equal number mad.
What then, tho? The anger has to give way to pragmatism & forward looking action. And for those who are happy w/the choice, the immediate response *should be celebratory w/an eye on your fellow Dems who “lost”. Gloating, ginger wagging, etc, won’t be needed so personally I’ll
Guard my words. My choice is Kamala & if she’s the pick I’ll be thrilled. If she’s not, I’ll be extremely disappointed and mad. I’m not going to hate the pick if it’s not her. Being Black in this country is to be perpetually disappointed & this would be no different. I’m also
Not ashamed to say I will be happy for the people I know onhere & IRL who want a different VP. I’m old enough to be disappointed I “lost” yet happy my friend “won” even if their victor means my loss. I value friendship over dem political differences. This will be me, & I’m not
Asking you to take my path. You do you, as they say. Over here I’ll work to elect Biden no natter his vp choice because there’s simply too much at stake for my people, kids in cages, our Native sisters/brothers, women’s rights, lgbtqti rights, & more. We deserve more/better than
The stain & pollution we’re getting every day. Team Biden will have to change that so whomever comprises team Biden will need the active backing of each of us if we’re going to course-correct from the road to hell we’ve been on since 2016. /End
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