@michifman , I got this email from a student last night and was told I could share it with you, “ I'd like to briefly say that hopefully you and your family are staying safe in the midst of this whole virus stuff, and also just wanted to say that usually for literature circles in
the past I've hated reading the books that were given to me as I found them boring and hard to pay attention to. However, I am just about done reading "From the Ashes" and I just wanted to say this is the first book ever that I've read for school purposes that I've thoroughly
enjoyed; I'd stay up for hours at a time just completely indulged in it and can I just say holy moly, that is one heck of a good book. So thank you for recommending it or else I wouldn't have gravitated towards that book for being my first choice.” Pretty cool when students
appreciate the novels and your advice.
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