fuck it lmao. here’s how we went from this ,to not fucking with eachother at all & arguing on yalls timeline 🥴 a true twitter “love” story coming to you soon 🤣🤣
so last summer , i went viral with this tweet. it was my first post to get over 10k retweets and obviously i was excited , like we all are after we go viral the first time.
so she replies to that tweet and im like damn she look kinda cute. we flirt on the tl a lil bit and i tell her to hit my dms
so we start fw eachother and im like wow, she’s literally perfect. she’s funny, smart, works hard. im like yes lord thank you 😭 she would send flowers to my house and job
then two weeks later she comes to visit. i was nervous cause im like what if she’s ugly , or worse , what if she thinks im ugly. but we hit it off as soon as i came in the room. the sex ? top 3 , im not even gonna cap for yall lol 😭
i introduced her to my friends and some of my family. they all liked her and she fit in like she had been around for years. they said she’s cute and that she seems like she’s really into me. my friends and family dont like NOBODYYYY i fw , so this was a big deal to me
buttt i was skeptical. she used to tell me “i aint shit” but i only saw her as a real life blessing from god.. it wasnt adding up 😂 so i started questioning her, which led to arguments. but the arguments were short bc she had a way of putting me in my place fr 💀
eventually i drop it , and this time i went to go see HER in her city. it was actually really fun and i still dont regret the experience. her family was sweet, her friends were funny. the dates were fun. she made it memorable. i enjoyed myself.. probably a little too much.
this was when i realized i was catching feelings. and that TERRIFIED me. because she made it clear that she probably would take a long time to fall in love bc of her past...but i was already falling and couldn’t do anything about it
i brought it to her attention and we had a lil disagreement about it. a few weeks later , we’re opening up to eachother more emotionally..so i just say it. its been a few months , and i love her. so i say it. and yall 😭 she said “is it okay if i dont love you back yet?” 😭😭😭😭
BOYYYYYY I WAS SICK . this was the first time since me and my first love broke up that i had actually opened my heart up to somebody. i have only loved TWICE and she was the second person 🥺 but we still fucked with eachother after that. i wasnt mad, i decided to be patient.
then she sends me this message, which brought me so much hope. (i didn’t peep the “im grateful you love me” 🤣🤣)
and after that it all went downhill
so im like yesss she still cares about me, one day she’ll love me back 🥺 but a few days later everything changed. i could tell her vibe was off, but i wasn’t tryna press her, so i left it alone. then she went a whole day without texting me which was unusual. so im like wtf?
she says “i was with my friends” and im like ..thats never stopped you from talking to me for 24 hours before..but okay. and we end up arguing. so she suggests that we take a break. me being the toxic woman that i am, i IMMEDIATELY get on twitter and engage in bullshit
so i quote a picture of @sleezy_dinero and say “you look like you eat pussy well” or something stupid like that 😂 and the girl saw it instantly. she gets mad and im like...”i thought you wanted a break?” so she goes “bet . ima show you sum”
and she POSTS A VIDEO OF HER NEW GIRLFRIEND ON TWITTER. WHAT MADE IT WORSE WAS THE TIME STAMP ON THE VIDEO WAS FOR THAT SAME DAY.. AT THAT SAME TIME. she was literally already with the girl before she even broke shit off with me 💀
so i text her (not fully believing that i just got played like this. hoping she was just tryna make me mad) and i say “thats why yo new bitch got a ugly ass walk” (i only saw the back of the girl in the video so i couldn’t comment on her looks) 😂
then the girl CALLS ME from her phone ! she says “dont call my walk ugly, im a bad bitch! and i dont talk shit about you. and i’ve seen you plenty of times” ... man all i could do was laugh. at her. at myself. at the situation.. and i hung up .
so im sitting there like WTF . meanwhile me and her still texting and she acting like she aint do nothing wrong ! she gone say “i didn’t tell her to answer my phone btw” BITCH HER ANSWERING THE PHONE WAS THE LEAST OF MY CONCERN, ITS THE FACT YOU EVEN OVER THERE OMG 😂
im like bitch .. i caught REAL feelings. you literally ATE MY ASS. i was the first ass you ate and you LOVED IT . i thought we had a BOND. are you deadass right now? fuck it . ima just block you and move on.

so i did. i blocked her & asked my boss if i could work that day
and she calls me from a private number as im getting ready .. i answer and she puts on her nice voice. im like okay maybe she’s gonna apologize or something..

her : hey.. can i ask you something

me : ask me what ..

her : are you still gonna send me the shoes you bought me ?
bitch WHAT??? no , these my uggs now 😭 i hung up , and carried on with my life. i healed , moved on , and put my heart on a shelf. fast forward to this past january...
i made this tweet january 5th because the situation is FUNNY and i catch myself saying “IMA BAD BITCH” alot because of it . i wasnt tryna throw no shade which why why i left their names out of it ...
butttt they saw it anyways because somebody “sent her a picture of me” and she “happened to see it” so thats why we got into the first time 😂
and the second time i made a tweet about SCORPIOS being the worst sign (i promise i didn’t remember this girls birthday at all or think about her once when making the tweet💀)
and her friend quoted it and tagged her on some weird shit talking bout “damn bitch you the devil”
and her goofy ass talking bout “i didn’t think i was that bad” ...so im like girl ain’t nobody thinking bout you or yo friend, this was a REACH and yall weird for watching my tweets like this ..we dont follow eachother and havent in MONTHS.
so anyways thats it. i ended up blocking them and they blocked me back. haven’t talked to or heard from her since. in conclusion, she was toxic. would i fwh her again ? fuck no. would i fuck her again? well.
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