yo hearing the queen talk about her WWII broadcast and then be all ‘we WILL succeed’ was weirdly powerful https://twitter.com/nikaharper/status/1247037254343639042
(Also, not gonna lie, super jelly of the UK that their national values are of
- self-discipline
- quiet, good-humored resolve
-fellow feeling)
Everyone @-ing me about Britain’s irrefutably more criminal traits...

Yes. Of course. I’m not declaring the great national scales weighed, here...

Dang, I was just admirin’ a bit of rhetoric. We don’t articulate those values for ourselves as a culture & we could use em.
(the Americans @-ing me in this thread clearly missed my tweets lowkey begging @ChrisEvans to do a Captain America PSA, LOL

I find inspiration in other American values plenty. I can admire another culture, it’ll be ok. Don’t be insecure now, America, it’s not a good look.)
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