X-men just doesn't feel like the x-men anymore. they've removed themselves completely from society, they just straight up MURDER people, and they've abandoned the school and mansion to go live in the outback with a dude who will teleport them wherever wait shit i forgot the year
X-men just doesn't feel like the x-men anymore. they're leveraging power and fear to establish their own nation, there are so many supervillains on the team in Uncanny, and like, San Francisco is SO far from Westchester oh wait shit it happened again
X-men just doesn't feel like the X-men anymore. The books aren't about superheroics, they're about a separate Mutant Culture, and weird Hard SF concepts, and they're written by a guy who cares more about Big Ideas than character voices and who the fuck is this new Xorn guy WAIT
X-men just doesn't feel like the X-men anymore. Instead of a team of teenagers there are these adults from all over the world and YES THE FINAL POINT OF THIS IS THAT BAKED INTO GIANT SIZED #1 IS WHAT WE SEE THROUGHOUT THE REST OF TIME: A PROPERTY THAT IS NOT TIED TO ANY 1 FEELING
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