You’d think Republicans would want mail-in voting for November since they rely on older voters to turn out - voters that may stay home to avoid infection. But... mail-in voting would make it easier for EVERYONE to vote, particularly the poor & POC. That’s what they don’t want...
It would derail the voter suppression efforts they’ve systematically imposed since the dismantling of the Voting Rights Act. Their calculus is that it’s worth the risk of having a sizable portion of their base stay home if that makes it harder for the poor & POC to vote...
Even more ruthless political math is that enough of their older base will disregard personal safety and show up, - and potentially get sick and die as a result - to put them over the top. And losing those people is worth another round of staying in power...
And finally, they really don’t like the idea of mail-in voting because that means paper ballots. They’ve consistently been against paper ballots because it leaves a clear record, not only of how people voted, but how effective their voter suppression has been...
That record could be used in lawsuits to challenge voter suppression policy and political gerrymandering. They don’t want to risk undoing three decades of work on that front. Democracy is not to their advantage.
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