1. A design for a mask, as good as you might be able to get due to shortage of #n95 masks. And it's beautifully illustrated. I'm trying to get hold of a sewing machine -- any seamstresses out there want to join? Anne Boyer has been sewing equipment ceaselessly for weeks <3 https://twitter.com/inhabitglobal/status/1242561810349334531
2.that mask pattern is by the wonderful @inhabitglobal , and conforms to @CDCgov advice. Here's a google drive resource of patterns for scrubs and other equipment for health workers https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-2joSN33vTGbjQcBVFanhsvddHkfVlbO?fbclid=IwAR2D3iv8PcWljKRwRbhKwWigRjDRhKnZ2ngFh-V1MWOvz8oqzyPhBdvRbio
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