1/ A THREAD about #coronavirus and trainees.
Firstly, I'm awaiting a response from the @acgme
regarding their is official policy protecting trainees from #coronavirus?
Given how they govern a tremendous amount of details regarding training, I would expect a strict policy (any)
2/ Here's my vote is:
If every single eligible attending in the U.S. has volunteered and is working taking care of #COVID19 pts, THEN and only then should SOME residents be ALLOWED to volunteer.
Why, you ask?
Don't physicians sign up for this??
3/ Trainees are not full fledged physicians.
If they don't complete their training, they have no job prospects. Despite more training and education than midlevels, they can't get hired as a PA or NP.
They must must must complete their training, or else-
no job
and $200-300K debt
4/ In a situation where radiology residents, radiation oncology residents, dermatology residents, have less work to do, because hospitals are mostly filled with #coronavirus patients, an obvious thought would be:
Send them to the frontlines!! Let them help!!!
5/ Here's why that DOESNT make sense:
Let's stop for a moment and think: Where are the attendings? Why aren't they volunteering?
One moment, you say to me.... maybe they ARE volunteering and they still need help!
Noppety nope.
They're not.
6/ Taking residents who have no choice to say no (which is the defining characteristic of training) and putting them on COVID floors, while there are many attendings who could help, is wrong.
7/ Wait, wait, you say:
Some attendings are busy! Ok- where are the rest?
Some attendings are older! Ok- where are the rest?
Some attendings have comorbidities! Ok- where are the rest? (and btw, some trainees have comorbidites too)
8/ You say: residents are young and healthy, they're not at risk:
Really?? Now being young is OK? Should we tell young ppl they can stop social distancing now?
No, because we're all at risk. And residents are most frequently in their late 20s and early 30s, so they're not kids.
9/ Even if they were kids, you'd still worry.
So instead of sending residents to the frontlines, without adequate PPE- which we know can be deadly-- I'd like to see the @acgme support asking residents to volunteer as a LAST resort- not the #1 option.
10/ If you are having your own residents take care of #covid19 pts, it is YOUR responsiblility to check they have scientificly proper PPE (not a scarf), daily. GO LOOK.
Don't leave them hanging.
And buy them lunch.
11/ Free lunch at hospitals for ALL healthcare workers except residents?? Yes this is happening in a hospital near you. Can residents ask for free lunch? NO.
Can they complain? No.
Lastly, there are quite a few social media reports of trainees dying due to #coronavirus. If you can confirm any first-hand, pls DM me.
You can follow @MKnoll_MD.
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