it's interesting watching fascists like Kurt Schlichter (seriously? the name is a bit on-the-nose, who is WRITING this stuff?) just LIE when there are recordings proving he's lying.

he doesn't have to care. fascists just want to know what their leaders say, regardless of truth.
truth is the duty of the liberal opposition, and it's lose-lose. if they don't contest the lies they hemorrhage followers, but if they DO contest them, they convince nobody but themselves.

at best, it is a phyrric victory.

this is why antifascists just start swinging.
fascists don't have to play fair. they can say what they want as long as they say SOMETHING, and the duty to be fair is on liberals. fascism is a parasite that burrows safely into liberalism and specifically exploits its weaknesses.

this is why antifascists just open fire.
and this is why liberals, who see the threat to fascism as a threat to themselves, call antifascists "extremists" and terrorists" and come up with horseshoe theory about how we're the same.

we aren't, and if you feel threatened by us you should start asking WHY.
if you believe you are a liberal progressive but you fear the end of the colonial, carceral, white supremacist state that has enriched you and kept you safe that you see liberation from it as an existential threat, it's worth asking if your politics are actually Fascism Lite.
this is directed at all colonial nations, but let me give you a present example, in america

when you found out about children in the border camps and Indigenous toddlers being forced to represent themselves in court, you were shocked and furious.
your heart raged against these literal concentration camps, with five year olds placed in charge of the health and wellbeing of literal babies, with no diapers on hand, and physical and sexual abuse of these children by ICE guards is still rampant.
since that first, appalling shock, you have convinced yourself that the only way to "get back to normal" and "restore order" is to elect the Democrat who was vice president while the border camps were built and filled with children, under Obama.

you have accepted Fascism.
if you actually, REALLY cared about those children more than you do about your own sense of security and your identity as an American patriot, there would be no question in your mind that, at minimum, any Democratic candidate should abolish ICE.

full stop.

ICE is the gestapo.
but if you suddenly feel like there's room for nuance on the issue of stealing three year old Indigenous and Afrolatinx children and keeping them in a cage cos failure to accept that means - ugh - submitting to SOCIALISM, you don't get to call yourself "progressive." you're fash.
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